Laundry Detergent Powder Price

Today, the use of detergents, especially powder, is increasing. Therefore, price is an important issue for customers. After the outbreak of covid-19, customer demand for detergent products increased sharply and all detergent manufacturing factories accelerated their production lines and their market share faced a sudden growth shock.
The price of these products can also be influenced by the market demand and the ingredients can be another factor in determining the price. Affordability along with availability are also two important factors that influence the price. So when a customer chooses a laundry product that is not readily available, the price is constantly changing.

Different types of detergents are used for cleaning, based on the type of fabric or even the type of washing machine or water temperature. Whether it’s a top-loading washing machine or a front-loading washing machine, you need to use your own detergent. For example, high-load washing machines use more water, so you can use more sudsing powder to get better stain removal. This cleaning powder is designed for fully automatic washing machines with high load with a unique formula.

Considering the market share of detergents, a huge growth can be predicted until 2027, and the manufacturers or suppliers of these products will benefit well provided they can properly analyze the social situations and market potential. In this way, a knowledgeable advisor can help you protect your interests until you become profitable in this business.
As a company with a long history in this field, we will be happy to help those who work in this field. You can contact us for inquiries

Detergent powder vs liquid

This is an important question for customers, what are the differences between detergent powder and liquid. In hard water, liquid detergents are far superior to powder detergents. The chemicals in a liquid detergent are not as reactive as the minerals in hard water, making it more resistant to its negative effects.
But powder detergent is quite a bit dirtier and usually cheaper than liquid. It is more stable than liquid, so it stays longer. They are also packaged in a more environmentally friendly way. The amount of powder used can be changed each time.

Compared to liquid detergents, it’s lighter and great for heavily stained clothes like sportswear. It can be used to clean dirty clothes, but you have to make a paste or dissolve it first, which adds an extra step to your washing process. Some powder detergents have a hard time dissolving in colder water, and because of the ingredients in the powder remaining in the water, they leave a residue on your clothes that sometimes leads to washing machine breakdowns.

Detergent powder vs liquid

Depending on the type of dress, it is necessary to choose the right dress. For black clothes and for front door washing machines, it is more suitable to use liquid detergents. They leave no residue because the detergent has already dissolved. When you use liquid detergent, there is no difference between cold and hot water.

It can be used as a stain remover for a variety of stains, reducing the need for additional products. Since they have measuring cups, so measuring is easier. They are a good choice for hand washing and remove oil and grease stains effectively.

But it also has disadvantages. One of the disadvantages of liquid detergents is their weight. Another issue is that they are not environmentally friendly because they are packed in plastic containers and are harmful to the environment. Also, pouring quickly increases the risk of using too much detergent.

In short, if you are interested in buying bulk detergent products, it is better to choose detergent powder. Because they take up less space in your home and are more affordable. Clothes that are exposed to dust, such as jeans, down jackets and sofa covers, are the best candidates for washing powder. But you have to consider the damages that may be caused to washing machines by the powdered substances dissolved in the washing powder. Liquid detergent, on the other hand, is better for grease or oil stains because of its ability to remove fabric stains and make your washing machine last longer.

Detergent powder vs liquid

Detergent Powder Ingredients

Compositions, manufacturers, additives and components of detergent powder:

Phosphates, silicates, soluble glasses, water glasses, soluble powders, alkali radical contribution, (Na2O or K2O), SiO2 radical contribution, zeolites, carbonates, sodium carbonate or soda ash-Na2CO3, sodium bicarbonate-NaHCO3, Sodium Ses, or modified soda potassium carbonate, oxygen-releasing compounds, various inorganic builders, borax, sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, insoluble inorganic fillers, caustic alkalis, ammonia, colloidal silica, sodium hypochlorite.

These materials can be changed depending on the application or the type of washing process. But there are five main types of detergent powder:
Active ingredients: It is the main component of washing powder, which plays an important role in minimizing the adhesion between the stain and the clothes.

Detergent powder ingredients

Building ingredient: It is the most common detergent that makes up 15 to 40% of all detergents. Its main role is to protect the surfactant from the effect of hard ions in the water and to soften the water.
Buffering materials: Organic stains, such as those caused by food or dust, are the most common stains on clothing. Because organic stains are often acidic, they are easier to remove when the laundry solution is alkaline, which is why laundry detergent exists. All of them are made using alkaline substances often found in soda ash and water glasses.

Synergistic ingredients: designed to make the washing powder more effective, as well as adding specific functional compounds that can increase and improve the performance of the washing powder. Different types of synergistic substances are used in detergents depending on the functional needs: increasing the cleaning effect, improving whiteness, protecting the fabric, etc.

Detergent Powder Ingredients

Excipients: which affect the processing of the product and the sensory experience of the product, such as making the laundry powder look whiter, uniform granulation, the fragrance of the laundry powder with a custom flavor, etc., are generally not improved. The ability to wash the washing powder itself

Overall, if you are looking for high-quality, environmentally friendly laundry detergent with unique formulas and ingredients, we can help you.

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